søndag 19. oktober 2008

In the name of Development

I am not yet sure what form this blog will take, or which purpose it will serve, but it will be a place for me to put down thoughts, quotes, rants and analysis of Development. I have a master in international development studies, and am highly influenced by so-called post-development theory. Post-development was meant as a critique of the impasse in development studies; an impasse i am still very much lost in: my entries here might therefore at times be conflicting; building on a feeling of hopelessness and despair. Post-development made me loose faith in justice and development, and in many ways I stopped "thinking", so by starting this blog I am hoping that I will regain my thoughts, if not my beliefs. To set the scene i will open with a quote of the foremost post-development writer, Arturo Escobar:

...development can be described as an apparatus (disportif) that links forms of knowledge about the Third World with the deployment of forms of power and intervention, resulting in the mapping and production of Third World societies.

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